Monday, August 29, 2011

Grow Mushrooms in our herb pods

Psychedelic Mushrooms Can Boost Mental Health, Researchers Say | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Psychedelic Mushrooms Can Boost Mental Health, Researchers Say | 80beats | Discover Magazine
But these mushrooms have hallucinogenic compounds.

psilocybin is (a hallucinogenic compound obtained from a mushroom and in most wild mushrooms!)
" Psilocybin:Psilocybin, sometimes misspelled psilocybine, is a splendid psychedelic alkaloid of the tryptamine family. It is present in many many species of fungi.
More recently, in the US, an FDA-approved study supported by Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) began in 2001 to study the effects of psilocybin on patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. MAPS has also proposed studying psilocybin's potential application for the treatment of cluster headaches based on anecdotal evidence presented to them by a cluster headache sufferer.

Pacific Domes

Thank you Pacific Domes for info below in the Medicinal Mushroom area.
"Did you know that Gourmet Mushrooms are an excellent source of vitamins and protein?
Did you know that Medicinal Mushrooms enhance your immune system and restore longevity?
Did you know that Mushrooms clean toxic wastes on land and water, where other methods had failed? "

I think Pacific Domes have gone way beyond the expectations of any building known to man!
Thanks: Spinny
God Speed.........

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